
All the cravings stopped the moment i laid my eyes on him. He didn't come like the regulars you meet at coffee bars most evenings. I had fallen so deep into his stares, on the first day like a fool. Twas as if my mumu button got hacked.
Snap out of it blues, he's just like every other regulars ' I heard my spirit man yelled with a pitch of mockery.I noticed he had a weird colourful eyes, as he helped with my broken heels.The heels...........The sound of my wreaking heels had attracted his ears. The more I looked at him closely, the more I felt it bodly written, I'might be the one... You never can tell blues.
And daughter of Zion wouldn't dare let this one slip away. Blacks don't blush so I heard, but i could tell I felt my cheeks turn red when i extended my hands, for a handshake' slipping my card beneath his palm. 
I'm Blues, that's my card, i whispered softly' barely could hear my own voice. I stammered in between words....... And I make artworks too' just incase you need a Errrmmmmmmmmm one of this, i quickly showed him my carriebien hand bag' i had crafted weeks ago after sleepness night, before shining the whole of my thirty two for him to see have got a gap teeth.



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